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Shih, M., Cheng, J.-S. (2024, October). High-achieving Academic Advising System for High-achieving Students: the 3Rs Model.  [Poster session]. The 2024 National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, USA.
Chang, I-F., Chiang, H.-S., Liu, Y.-T., Huang, Y.-L., Liu, M.-H., & Chiang, C.-K. (2024, November). Building a Relationship-rich Environment for New Faculty Members in Universities. [Perspectives sessions] POD Conference, Chicago, USA.
Hsu, C.-L., Shih, M., Chan, Y.-C., Lee, X.-N., & Chiang, H.-S. (2024, June 5-7). Constructing a “NICE Model” in Higher Education Ecosystems: Exploring AI Empowerment Program. [Poster session]. International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) Conference 2024, Nairobi, Kenya.
Chang, I-F., Shih, M., & Su, Y.-S. (2024, June 5-7). Optimizing higher education ecosystems: Effectively promoting teaching consultation service from 0 to 1. [Poster session]. International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) Conference 2024, Nairobi, Kenya.
Li, G. Y., Fwu, B.-J, Shih, M., & Sung, T.-W. (2024, June 5-6). NTU Specialization Programs: Enabling bottom-up curriculum reforms from the top down. [Paper presentation]. The 10th HERA Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
● Shih, M.,Li, G.-Y., Sung, T.-W., & Fwu, B.-J. (2023). Catalyze students’ success in university: A practice of curriculum reform [poster session] POD Conference. Pittsburgh, USA.
● Shih, M., Cheng, J.-S., Liao, H.-H., Chan, L.-M., & Chan, K.-Y. (2023). Helping Students Find the Direction of Learning Path in One Hour: Verification of the FAST Model. [poster session] NACADA Conference. Orlando, USA.
● 符碧真、李冠穎*(2023)。面對新課綱的「探究與實作」:師資培育「雙實作」的教育實踐課程。教育科學研究期刊,68(3),239-273。DOI:10.6209/JORIES.202309_68(3).0008
● Li, G. Y., Fwu, B.-J.*, Yang, T.-R., & Chen, Y.-K. (2023). To approach or to avoid: The quadripolar model of achievement motivation revisited in a Confucian-heritage context. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
● Shih, M., & Cheng, J. S. (2022). Re-define approaches of academic advising in universities: a four-quadrants model. [Poster session] The 47th Annual POD Network Conference. Seattle, USA.
● Li, G. Y., & Chan, Y. C. (2022, November 16). Sustaining SoTL development in a research university. [Paper presentation]. The 47th Annual POD Network Conference. Online conference. 
● Lin, L., Li, G. Y.*, & Guo, X. (2021). Pre-service Chinese language teachers’ conceptions of assessment: A person-centered perspective. Language Teaching Research.
● Zhu, X., Li, G. Y.*, Cheong, C. M., & Wen, H. (2021). Effects of L1 single-text and multiple-text comprehension on L2 integrated writing. Assessing Writing.
● Lee, S. W. Y., Shih, M.*, Liang, J. C., & Tseng, Y. C. (2021). Investigating learners’ engagement and science learning outcomes in different designs of participatory simulated games. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(3), 1197-1214.
● Shih, M., Li, G.-Y., & Chang, W.-S.(2021).Keeping Things Normal During an Uncommon Time: A Lesson from National Taiwan University. Journal of Teaching and Learning With Technology, 10(1), 103-116.
● Li, G. Y. & Fwu, B. J.* (2020). Scholarship of educational development: Scaffolding SoTL through evidence-based educational development. 教育研究集刊, 66(4), 163-195.
● 符碧真李紋霞(2020)。建立高等教育「教與學的學術」文化:借鏡國際經驗展望臺灣教學實踐研究的推動教育科學研究期刊, 65(4), 105-137。
● 謝佩珊、石美倫 (2020)。國內大學學習預警資訊系統研究:發展現況與侷限教育科學研究期刊,65(4),171-200。
● Shih, M., & Chen, S.-L. (2020). A pre-calculus self-evaluation system: Enhancing the use of learning consultation services [poster session]. The 45th Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States.

Taking a step forward from CTLD’s learning consultation services, National Taiwan University developed a Pre-Calculus Self-evaluation System (PCSS). It is an online learning system that allowing students to self-evaluate their Calculus ability through a set of Calculus questions before their first Calculus class in university. In the Full semester 2019, 462 students from 14 freshman Calculus courses used the system. Our preliminary study results showed that using PCSS can positively impact students’ learning outcomes, especially their mid-term grades in the first semester. Moreover, students’ results in PCSS provide information for instructors to make necessary teaching adjustments in the course.


● 張暐舜、蔡欣穆 (2020)。防疫期間的大學教與學:數位教學平臺對於教學之支援 [論文發表]。第26屆臺灣網際網路研討會,台北市。

108-2學期受新冠肺炎疫情影響,為減低群聚傳染風險但同時讓學生安心學習,臺大鼓勵教師提供數位教學,並將 60人以上之大班課程由實體教室轉為線上教學。本文將呈現臺大自行開發、維運之數位教學平臺 NTU COOL,藉由其支援影片教學、線上互動、學習足跡紀錄等功能,配合及時的系統效能、儲存空間、網路承戴力的提升,協助校方與教師面對教學數位化帶來的制度面、教學專業發展層面、以及對於學習情況 掌 控等三方面 之挑戰,即時支援數位教學需求,提供全校 8成學生 (超過 24,000位 )於平臺上學習,並促成持續推動混成與創新教學的契機。
關鍵字:數位教學平臺 、數位教學、NTU COOL、防疫



● 張新仁、符碧真、崔夢萍、黃淑苓(2019)。再論教學實踐研究論文之撰寫重點。教學實踐與創新,2(1), 1-16。
● Shih, M., & Cheng, J.-S. (2019). Making connections: Models of online/offline discussion groups [poster session]. The 44th Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA, United States.
● 謝佩珊 (2019)。臺灣與美國學習預警系統比較研究 [海報發表]。第五屆台灣人機互動研討會,台北市。




● Yomamoto, T., Shih, M., & Watanabe, M. (2018). What is the educators’ mission for future students? Scenario planning of educational design targeting at the singularity era [paper presentation]. The eLearning Forum Asia Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
● 李紋霞、符碧真*(2017)。全球視野在地化的校務研究:以國立臺灣大學經驗為例。教育科學研究期刊, 62(4), 1-25。
● 符碧真 (2017)。大學學習成果總檢驗:合頂石—總結性課程。教育研究集刊,63(1),31-67。
● Sheu, F. R., & Shih, M. (2017). Evaluating NTU’s OpenCourseWare project with Google Analytics: User characteristics, course preferences, and usage patterns. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(4), 100-122.
● Shih, M., Huang, Y. N., Liang, J. C., Lee, M. H., & Lee, S. W. Y. (2017). The relationships of Taiwanese college students’ conceptions, approaches, and self-efficacy to learning civil engineering in a flipped classroom. In 25th International Conference on Computers in Education: Technology and Innovation: Computer-Based Educational Systems for the 21st Century, ICCE 2017 (pp. 22-27). Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
● 李紋霞 (2016)。成果導向教育理念在課程教學之成功實踐。教育研究月刊,266,18-31。
● Lee, J. W. S., & Shih, M. L. (2015). Teaching practices for the student response system at National Taiwan University. International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, 5(3), 145-150.
● Lee, W. S., & Chiu, Y. J. (2015). When instructors meet student response systems: Teaching potential [research session]. The 2015 Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, United States.
● 石美倫 (協力指導) (2015)。給中學生的筆記整理術:一輩子都需要的資料統整力,現在開始學習!(作者:游嘉惠)。台北市:親子天下。
● 李紋霞 (2014)。顛覆教師中心理念之教學策略。通識在線,52,18-20。
● 李紋霞、陳毓文 (2014)。臺大教學助理制度與專業發展機制。載於中華民國課程與教學協會 (主編),大學課程與教學的改革與創新 (頁83-100)。台北市:五南。
● Shih, M. (2011). How and what students learn from peer teaching and learning? The service of Individual Learning Consultation in NTU [paper presentation]. The Asia/Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.