Excellent Teaching Assistant Selection
The Center has been promoting the teaching assistant (TA) system since 1995 to provide teaching assistant training, certification, consultation, and awards. According to their duties, teaching assistant are divided into five categories: Type A (Discussion Classes TA), Type B1 (Lab Courses TA), Type B2 (Practicum Courses TA), Type C (General Courses TA), Type D (Language Courses TA), and Type E (Physical Education Courses TA).
【Excellent Teaching Assistant System】
This system is set to encourage the outstanding performance of teaching assistants who dedicate themselves to teaching so as to highlight their teaching enthusiasm and skills, and thereby enhance the teaching quality in the school. the Center selects outstanding teaching assistants in according with the system. Before making an application, applicants should carefully read and comply with the requirements of various teaching assistant categories in the regulations. The selection process is based on the “National Taiwan University Office of Academic Affairs Center for Teaching and Learning Development Regulations Governing the Excellent Teaching Assistant Selection”.
1、Teaching assistants who are funded by the “Teaching Quality Improvement Project” of the Office of Academic Affairs.
2、Teaching assistants who are funded by the “Individual Liberal Education Improvement Project” of the Center for General Education.
3、Teaching assistants who are funded by the “The Program for Bilingual Education for Students in College” of the Office Of International Affairs.
4、Teaching assistants who are not funded by the above two projects.

Application Qualifications
1.Teaching assistants funded by the “Teaching Quality Improvement Project” of the Office of Academic Affairs, “Individual Liberal Education Improvement Project” of the Center for General Education or the “Program for Bilingual Education for Students in College” of the Office Of International Affairs are already included in the selection system. To qualify for application, they must meet the following conditions:
a. Current students in any department who are assisting teachers in implementing teaching activities.
b. Fully participated in the TA Orientation organized or co-organized by the Center at the beginning of the semester, and obtained the certification.
c. Participated in the Teaching Assistant Performance Evaluation at the end of the semester.
d. Submitted the Teaching Assistant End of Semester Report and had a Teaching Assistant Performance Evaluation Form completed and submitted by the course instructor.
2.Teaching assistants who are not funded by the above three projects but wish to participate in the selection must go through the “Individual Application for Excellent Teaching Assistant Selection”.
3.Excellent Teaching Assistants (TA) in Chinese and English courses will be selected separately for Chinese-taught and English-taught courses.
【Individual Application for Excellent Teaching Assistant Selection】
1.Departments, institutes, and degree programs must submit applications on behalf of the students during the period from February 17, 2025 to March 31, 2025 (closed at 05:00 pm). Be sure to use the “Teaching Assistant Management System” to verify whether the students have met the requirements for teaching assistant.
a.Input the information of the teaching assistants into the “Individual Application for the Teaching Assistant Performance Evaluation” of Teaching Assistant Management System. (If they fail to do so, the teaching assistant cannot participate in the evaluation and thus is not qualified for the selection.)
2.Departments, institutes, and degree programs must log in to the system between April 14, 2025 and April 18, 2025 to conduct teaching assistants grouping. The instructions will be issued by the Secretariat of the Office of Academic Affairs.
3.Teaching assistants should fully participate in the TA Orientation organized or co-organized by the Center at the beginning of the semester, and obtain the certification.
4.Teaching assistants should participate in the Teaching Assistant Performance Evaluation at the end of the semester.
5.Teaching assistants should submit the End of Semester Report and have a Teaching Assistant Performance Evaluation Form completed and submitted by the course instructor.
6. The results of application review will be announced on the Center’s website.

【Regulations Related to Teaching Assistants】
NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Office of Academic Affairs Regulations Governing Scholarship for Teaching Assistantship
NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Office of Academic Affairs Enforcement Rules for the Teaching Assistant Scholarship
NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Office of Academic Affairs Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Regulations Governing the Excellent Teaching Assistant Selection
【Contact Information】
▲ Contact Person: Hsu, Che-Ling (Awards Ceremony and Liaison)
▲ TEL: 3366-3367#516
▲ E-mail: hcl1005@ntu.edu.tw
▲ Contact Person: Xiang-Ning Lee
▲ TEL: 3366-3367 # 514
▲E-mail: xnl627@ntu.edu.tw
【Feedback from Award Winners】
“I hope I can be useful for my adviser and learn something in the process. “
“Stay enthusiastic. Being a TA is a joyful and honorable experience, and helping students enjoy your class is very fulfilling.”
“Be diligent about reducing the teaching burden of the instructor. Be enthusiastic and patient about helping each student with his or her learning difficulties. Last, enjoy each exciting class.”
Further Information…
Regulations Related to Excellent Teaching Assistant Selection
Individual Application for the Teaching Assistant Performance Evaluation
Winners of Excellent Teaching Assistant Award:
100-1、100-2、101-1、101-2、102-1、102-2、103-1、103-2、104-1、104-2、105-1、105-2、106-1、106-2、107-1、107-2、108-1、108-2、109-1、109-2 、110-1、110-2、111-1、111-2、112-1、112-2 (End of data)
Winners of Excellent EMI Teaching Assistant Award:
112-1、112-2 (End of data)
Winners of Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award:
100-1、100-2、101-1、101-2、102-1、102-2、103-1、103-2、104-1、104-2、105-1、105-2、106-1、106-2、107-1、107-2、108-1、108-2、109-1、109-2 、110-1、110-2、111-1、111-2、112-1、112-2 (End of Data)