Through the resolution of the Excellent Teaching Assistant Selection Committee for the 112-2 Semester, a total of 68 teaching assistants were selected as excellent teaching assistant and 18 teaching assistants were selected as excellent EMI teaching assistant.
- Excellent Teaching Assistants for the 112-2 Semester:傑出教學助理中授.pdf - Excellent English as Medium of Instruction (EMI) Teaching Assistants for the 112-2 Semester:傑出全英語授課教學助理.pdf - Outstanding Teaching Assistants for the 112-2 Semester:卓越教學助理.pdf
Congratulations to all the awardees!!
* The list is sorted by course identifier and class number.
* TAs winning the Excellent Teaching Assistants Award three times cumulatively shall be issued an Outstanding Teaching Assistant certificate.
* Details about receiving the awards will be notified separately in future emails.