教務處數位學習中心將於 7/5 (二) 舉辦「未來教室教學分享會」,邀請 110-2 學期在未來教室授課的老師分享自身在未來教室的教學經驗以及對未來教室的看法,透過本活動將帶您了解老師們是如何運用未來教室的資源,以及在未來教室上課有哪些優勢,歡迎對創新教學有興趣的師長們踴躍報名參加!
※ 活動日期:111 年 7 月 5 日 (星期二),14:00 ~ 15:15 (13:40 開始報到)
※ 活動地點:本校校總區共同教學館一樓 103 未來教室
※ 報名時間:111 年 6 月 20 日至 111 年 6 月 30 日
※ 報名網址:https://reurl.cc/YvnGbL
※ 人數上限:60 人
※ 活動議程:
13:40~14:00 簽到
14:00~15:05 未來教室教學經驗分享
講題:未來教室 C 型主播台、可移動式桌椅、錄播攝影機與導播機的使用經驗分享
講題:未來教室 VR 教學經驗分享
講題:利用 Google 街景與多螢幕進行組內導覽、利用可書寫的螢幕進行偵錯練習、利用螢幕投影進行實作活動
15:05~15:15 Q&A
15:15~15:45 教室設備自由體驗時間
※ 綜合教學館 R401 未來教室功能簡介:https://youtu.be/dbT9qu1Edo0
※ 申請使用未來教室請參閱:https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/futureclassroom/
※ 防疫注意事項:
1. 請配合測量體溫及酒精清潔手部再入場。
2. 進入會場請全程配戴口罩,會場內禁止飲食。
3. 如有身體不適、發燒 (體溫 37.5 以上)、上呼吸道症狀、旅遊史或居家檢疫中的人員謝絕入場。
4. 若因疫情變化而有調整變動,將另行公告及通知報名者。
※ 承辦單位:教務處數位學習中心
※ 聯絡人:楊小姐 (02-3366-3367 #566,ywc121@ntu.edu.tw)
Digital Learning Center cordially invites faculty members to join “Future Classroom Teaching Forum” on July 5. Teachers who have used the Future Classroom for teaching in the 110-2 semester will come to share their experiences and thoughts. Participants will gain the first hand information about the advantages of teaching in the Future Classroom and the tips for using classroom resources. Faculty members interested in innovative teaching are welcome to join the event!Digital Learning Center cordially invites faculty members to join “Future Classroom Teaching Forum” on July 5. Teachers who have used the Future Classroom for teaching in the 110-2 semester will come to share their experiences and thoughts. Participants will gain the first hand information about the advantages of teaching in the Future Classroom and the tips for using classroom resources. Faculty members interested in innovative teaching are welcome to join the event!
Event Information:
※ Date: 14:00~15:15 (Talks), 15:15~15:45 (Free Trial), Tuesday, July 5, 2022 (13:40 pm Check-In)
※ Venue: R103, Gongtong Lecture Building, NTU Main Campus
※ Registration: until June 30, 2022
※ Registration Here: https://reurl.cc/YvnGbL
※ Number of Participants: 60
※ Agenda:
13:40~14:00 Check-In
14:00~15:05 Experience Sharing of Teaching in the Future Classroom
15:05~15:15 Q&A
15:15~15:45 Classroom Equipment Try-Out
Digital Learning Center will hold this workshop at the Future Classroom. Faculty members are welcome to explore this experimental space for teaching!
※ Introduction to the Future Classroom: https://youtu.be/dbT9qu1Edo0
※ For application procedure, please visit: https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/en/future-classroom/
※ Pandemic Prevention Measures:
1. Please cooperate with temperature measurement and use the alcohol spray to sanitize hands before enter the venue.
2. Please wear a face mask all the time in the venue. No food or drinks are allowed.
3. If you have a fever (body temperature higher than 37.5°C), or have upper airway symptoms, or have travel history to high/medium risk zones 14 days prior to the event, or are in quarantine, you will not be permitted to enter the venue.
4. If the event is postponed or cancelled due to the pandemic, DLC will make an announcement and inform the participants.
※ This workshop will be delivered in Chinese.