我們是 NTU COOL 平臺團隊,近期與 iGroup Taiwan 合作,在 NTU COOL 串接了 Gradescope 作業批改工具。
Gradescope 是集成最新機器學習功能 (ML) 和人工智慧(AI) 的雲端評量平台,致力於幫助老師簡化評分工作,省去以往逐一批改所耗費的大量時間與心力,並且讓評分能客觀有一致性,不會因個人偏見或人為計算錯誤而影響學生分數。
我們評估在大班授課、課程同學人數較多的情況下,使用 Gradescope 有助於減輕老師、助教們在改作業上所花費的心力,團隊預計於 3/27(四)13:15-14:45 在博雅教學館四樓406未來教室舉辦一場 Gradescope 的教育訓練 ,並邀請對此功能有興趣的老師、助教參與。活動將以實體進行,並提供線上同步轉播。故您可以選擇以實體或線上的方式參與。
當日課程內容為:代理商 iGroup Taiwan 介紹Gradescope的各式功能、操作方法
期盼 Gradescope 的自動批改、題目群組分類批改、與助教共同協作批改等等功能,能夠幫助您減少批改作業花費的時間,同時提升批改的效率與準確度。
若老師有意願參與本次 Gradescope 教育訓練 ,敬請您於 3/20 前填寫以下表單,並選擇線上或實體參與:https://forms.gle/qePXSHquKhdSGz7G9
電話 :(02)33663367 #530、#533、#539
E-mail: ntucool@ntu.edu.tw
We Cordially Invite Teachers and Teaching Assistants to the Gradescope Grading Tool Training on Thursday, 3/27 (In-Person and Online, Conducted in Chinese)
Please note: This training session will be conducted in Chinese!
Dear Teachers and Teaching Assistants,
We are the NTU COOL platform team, and we are pleased to announce a recent collaboration with iGroup Taiwan to integrate the Gradescope grading tool into NTU COOL.
Gradescope is a cloud-based assessment platform equipped with the latest machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) features, designed to help simplify grading tasks. It aims to save educators the considerable time and effort previously required for manual grading, while also promoting consistency and fairness in grading by reducing personal biases and human error.
We believe that Gradescope can be particularly helpful in large classes with many students, as it can reduce the workload involved in grading assignments. Therefore, we are organizing a Gradescope training session on Thursday, 3/27, from 13:15 to 14:45 at Room 406 in the Boya Lecture Building, Future Classroom, 4th floor. This session will be held in person, with a live online streaming option. You are welcome to attend in person or join the session online.
To enhance the training experience, please bring your laptop on the day of the event.
The session will include: An introduction to Gradescope’s various features and functions by iGroup Taiwan, along with a guide on how to operate the platform.
We hope that Gradescope’s features—such as automated grading, question group-based grading, and collaborative grading with teaching assistants—will help you save time on grading and improve grading accuracy and efficiency.
If you are interested in attending this Gradescope training session, please fill out the registration form by 3/20 and indicate whether you will join in person or online: https://forms.gle/qePXSHquKhdSGz7G9
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you!
Please note: This training session will be conducted in Chinese!
Best regards,
NTU COOL Platform Team
(02) 33663367 #530、#533、#539