All undergraduate freshmen are welcome to participate in this survey! Please help us gain insights into your past learning experiences and perspectives on the future. Your responses can help to enhance the overall quality of learning and teaching at NTU.
為感謝您熱心填答,完整填答者將有機會抽中 AirPods 等實用商品喔!
As a token of our appreciation for completing the survey, you will be entered in a lucky draw to win an AirPods or prizes listed below.
※ 施測對象 (Target participants):本校大學部新生 Undergraduate freshmen of NTU
※ 填答時間 (Survey period):2024/10/18- 2024/11/15
※ 問卷填答網址 (Survey link):https://eform.cc.ntu.edu.tw/DLCU1
※ 獎項 (Prizes):Apple AirPods (2 名)、SONY 真無線降噪藍牙耳機 (3 名)、NTUxTIGER虎牌運動型保溫瓶 (5 名)、羅技多工靜音無線滑鼠 (6 名) 、NTU 伸縮證件卡套 (15 名)
Apple AirPods (2 winners), Sony Truly Wireless Noise Canceling in-Ear Bluetooth Earbud Headphones (3 winners), NTUxTiger Thermos Bottle (5 winners), Logitech Wireless Mouse (6 winners), NTU Retractable ID Card Holder (15 winners)