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過去兩年,學校根據學習問卷調查結果,提出了學士榮譽學程、領域專長等新制度,您的填答可以讓學校與學系更加瞭解您的校園學習經驗,對學校與學系改善教學規劃產生實質的影響,誠摯地邀請您上網填答「畢業生學習問卷」!In the past two years, NTU has implemented new academic programs such as Undergraduate Honors Programs and Specialization Program based on the results of learning experience survey. Your responses will allow the University and your home department to better understand your learning experience; your voice will also inform improvement in teaching. We sincerely invite you to fill in the “Final-year Students Survey” online!

此調查旨在瞭解您對自己的探究能力、探究經驗、生涯定向的看法,以及關於臺大領域專長的相關經驗。The purpose of this survey is to understand your self-evaluation of inquiry competence, inquiry experience, and career certainty. We would also like to know your experiences regarding the NTU Specialization Program.

※ 施測對象:本校大學部應屆畢業生 Final-year undergraduate students of NTU

※ 填答時間:2023/06/21 – 2023/07/31

※ 問卷填答網址: (歡迎完整填答整份問卷!English version is available.)

在此預先感謝您的參與和支持!We appreciate your participation!

※ 承辦單位:教務處教學發展中心 Center for Teaching and Learning Development, Office of Academic Affairs
※ 聯絡人:規劃研究組 (02-3366-3367 #587,