●【未來教室】(7/9 收件截止)即日起開放 110-1 學期申請使用
by 教學科技組 | 5 月 31, 2021 | 最新消息 |
數位學習中心即日起開放申請 110-1 綜合教學館 401 及博雅教學館 406 未來教室之借用,
請填妥申請書,簽章後掃描回傳 PDF 檔至承辦人楊小姐:ywc121@ntu.edu.tw
110/07/09 (五) 17:00 收件截止
110/07/26 (一) 公佈申請書審查結果
數位學習中心 楊維綺小姐
Future Classroom Will Be Open for Application on May 31st, 2021
Digital Learning Center is pleased to announce that the NTU Future Classroom will be available for the 110-1 semester and will be open for application on May 31st, 2021. Please have a look at the attached Application Guide, Introduction of the Future Classroom, and Application Form. All teachers are welcome to apply!
Application Procedure
Please fill out and sign the attached Application Form, scan the form as a PDF file, and send it to ywc121@ntu.edu.tw. If you plan to use the equipment of the Future Classroom to conduct a teaching-related research or other project, please submit relevant supporting information as well.
Application Timeline
Application Deadline: 5:00 p.m. on July 9th, 2021
Result Announcement: July 26th, 2021
Once an application is approved, the instructor can teach the course in the Future Classroom and the classroom information at the NTU Course Information website will be updated.
Contact Information:
Ms. Vicky Yang, Digital Learning Center